
Thursday, October 20, 2011

"Dear Mom"

Readers, saat aku nulis post ini, aku lagi kangen berat sama mama-ku..
Trus tiba2 keinget lagunya SNSD (Girls' Generation), girlband asal Korea yang lagi terkenal banget akhir2 ini. Lagu mereka yang paling aku suka ya ini,, "Dear Mom". Pertama tau tentang SNSD ya dari lagu ini & langsung tersentuh hanya dari denger melodinya aja. Ternyata setelah tau artinya (baca English translation-nya), jadi tambah sukaaaaaaa..:) Apalagi, kondisinya pas banget, deh.. Di lirik2 awalnya, kesannya si daughter yg lagi studi jauh dari kota asal (kemungkinan nge-kost), lagi sendirian di kamar dengan perasaan galau dan badan yang capek berat. Jadi males makan & gak tau mo ngapain. Eh, tiba2 HPnya bunyi, mamanya nelepon & tanya apakah dia udah makan. Biasanya, pertanyaan ini adalah pertanyaan yang menyebalkan buat dia, tapi saat perasaan hatinya sedang kacau, pertanyaan itu membuat dia tersentuh & ingat akan janji2nya & saat2 indah sama mama-nya.
Nah,, langsung deh hatiku meleleh rasanya tiap denger lagu ini kalau aku lagi di sendirian di kost. :P hehehehe.. Pas banget gitu rasanya.. JLEBBBB.. :)


Temen2 pasti juga suka lirik lagu ini, deh..
Tapi sorry, aku gak bisa upload videonya krn koneksi inet yg super duper lemot.. (padahal udah pake modem yg janjinya "hebat, cepat, hemat"). Hahahaha..
Jadi sebagai gantinya, aku kasih link aja, yaaaa..
Silakan nonton, pasti nangis2 deh.. Hehehe

Here it is:

"Dear Mom"
I’m feeling tired today
Left alone in the room hugging a pillow
Touching my phone distracted my mind
It’s lonely to eat tonight

Suddenly, i was frightened by the ringing phone
my mom’s worried voice asked if i’ve eaten
these words annoyed me but today it’s different
The forgotten promises are remembered

I will be a person with pretty heart
And become a person who is selfless
I’ll keep the love of my mother’s wishes
I think of mother who used to share my dreams and brush my hair

Though I’ve made hurtful wrong choices
You silently watched over me from behind
But now I think more than an innocent child
The meaning of mom’s silent prayers

I will be a person with pretty heart
And become a person who is selfless
I’ll keep the love of my mother’s wishes
I think of mother who used to share my dreams and brush my hair

What will i do, yet my heart is small
Can I do better without holding mother’s hand

I’m afraid that it will still lack
I’ll be a wise daughter of my mom (Give me the courage)
I will be a proud daughter no matter where I go (You’ve been there for me)
I’ll keep the love of my mother’s wishes
I’ll show endless love
I’ll have a warm heart
I’m shy to express to mom

That I really love my mom :')

I love u, Mom..:')

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